Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Lesson Learned While At Taco Bell

Have you ever learned a life lesson at Taco Bell? I have. I can imagine that some of you have learned a lesson while at, or shortly after leaving, Taco Bell, but that is not the kind of lesson I am talking about. Let me share with you a true story that happened Saturday night while my family was eating at Taco Bell.

My wife and I took our girls to see the Living Christmas Tree, which was awesome, then to eat at Taco Bell. As we were finishing up our supper one of the girls ask if she could have something else, she was still hungry. I asked her what she wanted, gave her the money to get it and watched her as she went up to the counter and ordered. Seems normal right?

While this is taking place my other girl starts to get the pooch lip. She wants something too, but will not ask me for the money to get it. It is very obvious that she is pouting over the fact that her sister is getting something extra and she is not. Well, the sister returns from the counter with her extra food and starts to eat. The pooch lip is now dragging on the floor.

So, I look at the daughter who is obviously wanting something and say, "I would never do for one child what I wouldn't do for another. All you have to do is ask me if you want something." And I meant it. I am their father and love them the same. I would never give one of my kids something and deprive the other.

Here is the problem. The pouting child is not willing to ask me for what it is that she wants. So, the second daughter finishes her extra food and we leave. As we are driving away God speaks to my heart and teaches me a lesson. God says to me, "So many of my children sit around with the pooch mouth because they do not have something that someone else has, but they have been unwilling to ask me for it." God is our father and He would never do for one child and not do for another. The problem is that we are unwilling to ask Him for what we want.

Jesus said "hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name, ask and it shall be given to you." I wonder what we do without because we do not ask for what we really want. The Bible is clear that God will give us the desires of our heart. If this is true, then why are we pouting over the things we do not have? We haven't asked.

I'm certainly not telling you that God will give you everything you ask for. God knows better than that. What would happen if you gave your children everything they asked for. They would eat candy all the time, they would never go to school and they would grow up to be terrible adults. All I am saying is that you should not pout about what God is not doing for you, when you haven't even asked Him to do it.

So, next time you are in need of something think about what you would do if your child was in need of something. What would you do if you of your children came to you and said they needed something? God is our Heavenly Father. Next time you need something why not ask? You might be surprised what could happen.

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